A collaboration between American Legion Field-Allen Post 148 and the
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10643, the Windham Veterans Center was founded in
the early 1990s as a place specifically for veterans to meet and receive
assistance with veterans’ services and support. The
Windham Veterans Association was formed as an organization to support the needs
of both posts and in 1994 ground was broken for the construction of the Windham
Veterans Center at 35 Veterans Memorial Drive, behind the Hannaford Supermarket
Complex in North Windham Complex.
With a great deal of construction work
performed by veterans and local contractor volunteers, the Windham Veterans
Center opened in 1999 with the building debt free and the Windham Veterans
Association owning a mortgage on the property which was paid off in 2009
through various fundraising activities.

“The VFW Post 10643
currently has 77 members. We sponsor Windham's Boy Scout Troop 805
and they use our facility to hold their meetings,” Goodman said. “The Boy
Scouts are a part of our annual Veterans Day Program which is open to the
public although the ability to hold this year's program may be impacted by
He said the VFW sponsors annual essay contests open to all
schools in the appropriate age groups as well as those being homeschooled, and
the top winners are recognized with certificates and cash awards.
“All veterans are encouraged to contact the VFW
for whatever their needs may be and either we will help them or know where to
direct them,” Goodman said. “Even though we are located in Windham, the VFW
slogan is ‘Veterans Helping Veterans’ and we strive to live by that motto so
any veteran in any town should feel free to contact us. Many times, we find
veterans who aren't aware of services they could benefit from or don't know who
to call to answer specific questions they may have. Our members are more than
comrades, they genuinely care about each other and we want veterans to reach
out to us if we can be of any assistance.”
Goodman said that the Windham VFW meets the
second Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. at the Windham Veterans Center.
Eric Bickford, American Legion Field-Allen Post
148 commander, said that the Windham Veterans Center is a focal point and home
for the organization, which was first created 82
years ago by local World War I veterans.
“The post has been immersed in
veterans’ lives and the local community since 1938, providing the town’s Memorial
Day events including the parade, ceremony at Windham High School and a splendid
open house annual picnic at the Windham Veterans Center,” he said. “The
highlight of each week is the Veteran's Coffee held each Wednesday at the
Center for local veterans from 9 to 11 a.m. In addition to “Veterans
Serving Veterans” the post has very active youth programs including American
Legion baseball, Boys State, Windham Little League baseball and a
soon-to-be-opened Youth Air Rifle Program.”
The Field-Allen Post meets on the
first Wednesday of each month with a 5 p.m. social followed by a business
meeting. All veterans are welcome.
Windham Veterans Association President Tom Theriault said
association is made up of 10 members of the Board of Directors and that the
facility is one of the few in America that is jointly operated by both the VFW
and the American Legion.
Theriault said that what makes the center successful is the
veterans themselves.
“They are there for each other and will listen when other
veterans need to say something, or give advice when needed,” he said.”
The Windham
Veterans Center also is a rental venue available with a 2,000-square-foot space
for memorial services and other functions. If a loved one was a veteran, the
Windham Veterans Center has the ability through the American Legion Honor Guard
to provide additional honors along with the appropriate flags at memorial
services held there.
The center
also provides a monthly Veterans Service Officer support function on the second
Wednesday of every month which will be resumed once the COVID-19 situation is
said that the Regional Service Officer works out of the Portland Office but
holds office hours in Windham on the second Wednesday of each month and any
veteran may visit and receive information and learn about available veterans’
resources during that time.
For more
information about the Windham Veterans Center, call 207-892-1159. For rentals,
see ad below or contact Dave Tanguay at 207-939-0892 for details. <
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